Multiplication: a parable for an era of plague


Go forth and multiply, went the command: and we did,

Spinning off into the unknown spaces, occupying

and exploiting our allotted niche.

We were not to know - so beautiful!

So golden! -  that we would carry death with us.

We were flung from one home to another

Carrying our fragile children, clinging on

And multiplying, multiplying,

Dividing and conquering.


We made our home inhospitable

Scattering the seeds of our own demise

Each time we colonised somewhere new.

It was too hot, too flimsy,

Too prone to destruction at our hands.

We multiplied and spread and subdued all we touched

We forgot to take care

Lest we destroy what nurtured us.


We are the pinnacle

We are focused

We are driven

We see the opportunity and grab it

We manipulate, we bend the other’s intentions to our own.

We never meant to hurt you

We never wanted to extinguish you

We are the accidental plague

Please forgive us; we don’t know what we do.


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