Checking Out
This year is the fiftieth since the death of C S Lewis. His writing continues to fascinate, inspire and educate; the more I read, the more respect I have for a man who led a sheltered academic life yet managed to reach out to so many, adults and children alike. It seems a great pity to me that his death was overshadowed by other world events at the time.
So quietly you
Slipping through
the fingers of the world
as it looked in
another direction. Winter encroaching
the Texan
bluesky muted by the small black and white television
that chattered
incessantly. The air was filled with facts and suppositions
as we learned
new words: ‘motorcade’, ‘depository’, ‘knoll’, ‘gunman’.
You knew none of
that; instead
Your dreams were
filled once more with visions of the stars
Of melting snow,
the ice of the ages dissolved into chattering streams.
As we stretched
our minds wider to allow for a time where this was possible
you left,
your mind
already expanded to allow for talking beasts and dancing trees.
The colour
drained from the world’s eye, leaving only
a speck of vivid
pink against the grey; whilst you
set out,
umbrella in hand, to find
the golden
brightness of a lion’s mane.